Work Package 03

Work Package 03 Coordinator
Lounais-Hämeen koulutuskuntayhtymä (Finland)
To design the “Sustainable Adaptive Teachers” course curriculum for VET teachers, according to a learning- objective approach, including as main areas: Active Learning Methodologies (e.g., Simulation based), Inquiry-based teaching approach; Design Thinking, Game-based learning, Adaptive Teaching, Use of Digital Simulations (DigCompEdu2.0), Sustainable Business Model Canvas, Understanding AI and how to interpret algorithms ; GreenComp, EntreComp. | Syllabus for teachers' training. | A Syllabus in English that covers all areas described in the specific objective of the activity , with a clear connection between activities and Specific Learning Outcomes defined |
Based on the syllabus (WP4.1), to design the course contents for the MOOC: videos, references, training contents and tools for teachers. | Course contents development. | A 10 module course in English, coherent with the Syllabus and quizzes adequate for measuring Learning Outcomes defined. |
To develop a MOOC platform that hosts all training contents and allows teachers flexible and individualized learning, further study and research and practical tools to become a “sustainable adaptive teacher” in class. | MOOC platform development. | A MOOC that contains course contents, experts’ description and teachers’ personal areas, allows data collection of teachers’ progress and elaboration of statistics, in compliance with GDPR. |
To select 60 VET teachers and and train them on how to educate students with a sustainable entrepreneurial mindset trough the Agora Lake virtual simulation platform. | Teachers’ selection. | A document with the selection of teachers which is transparent according to the agreed Selection Grid. |
To organize a hands-on Training Activity in Helsinki (hosted by 3DBear) to let 18 VET teachers apply the acquired knowledge and practice with the virtual simulation and other tools. | Teachers' training through MOOC and experiential training in Helsinki on how to create XR contents. | A questionnaire/document that reflects the satisfaction of participants in the training. |
To validate the WP4 and WP5 results within the Final Consortium Meeting in Ankara. | Final meeting in Ankara. | Signature of the MoU for the Virtual Community of Practice. 1 Validation document of Project results signed. |