Work Package 03

Co-funded by the European Union

Work Package 03 Coordinator

Lounais-Hämeen koulutuskuntayhtymä (Finland)

To design the “Sustainable Adaptive Teachers” course curriculum for VET teachers, according to a learning- objective approach, including as main areas: Active Learning Methodologies (e.g., Simulation based), Inquiry-based teaching approach; Design Thinking, Game-based learning, Adaptive Teaching, Use of Digital Simulations (DigCompEdu2.0), Sustainable Business Model Canvas, Understanding AI and how to interpret algorithms ; GreenComp, EntreComp.Syllabus for teachers' training.A Syllabus in English that covers all areas described in the specific objective of the activity , with a clear connection between activities and Specific Learning Outcomes defined
Based on the syllabus (WP4.1), to design the course contents for the MOOC: videos, references, training contents and tools for teachers.Course contents development.A 10 module course in English, coherent with the Syllabus and quizzes adequate for measuring Learning Outcomes defined.
To develop a MOOC platform that hosts all training contents and allows teachers flexible and individualized learning, further study and research and practical tools to become a “sustainable adaptive teacher” in class.MOOC platform development.A MOOC that contains course contents, experts’ description and teachers’ personal areas, allows data collection of teachers’ progress and elaboration of statistics, in compliance with GDPR.
To select 60 VET teachers and and train them on how to educate students with a sustainable entrepreneurial mindset trough the Agora Lake virtual simulation platform.Teachers’ selection.A document with the selection of teachers which is transparent according to the agreed Selection Grid.
To organize a hands-on Training Activity in Helsinki (hosted by 3DBear) to let 18 VET teachers apply the acquired knowledge and practice with the virtual simulation and other tools.Teachers' training through MOOC and experiential training in Helsinki on how to create XR contents.A questionnaire/document that reflects the satisfaction of participants in the training.
To validate the WP4 and WP5 results within the Final Consortium Meeting in Ankara.Final meeting in Ankara.Signature of the MoU for the Virtual Community of Practice. 1 Validation document of Project results signed.
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