Co-funded by the European Union


The project aims to enhance the ability of vocational training institutions to teach students sustainable entrepreneurial thinking, improving their employability. It connects institutions with sustainable clothing organisations using a cross-sectoral approach through practical simulation scenarios. By utilising AI algorithms and digitisation, adaptive teaching enables teachers to improve their practical skills through active learning methodologies and systems thinking. The project aligns with the EU Green Deal, Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, SDG4 “Quality Education,” SDG8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth,” and the European Education Area strategy by 2025. It addresses critical areas and priorities for sustainable development, innovation, digitisation, and inadequate skills, allowing partners to explore, design, and test concepts and products based on recycling, reuse, and waste reduction, contributing to the circular economy, Green Deal priorities, and new digitalised learning pathways for vocational education and training (VET).

The Target

Direct targets
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutes in multimedia and fashion, fashion and electronics, technological sector machinery, and electricity-electronics, marketing and advertising.
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) Teachers.
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) Students.
  • Companies in the sustainable and smart clothing sector.
Indirect targets
  • Society.
  • Environment.
  • Businesses of all kinds.

Project’s background and needs analysis

The project enables partners to explore, design, and test concepts and products based on recycling, reusing, and reducing waste, contributing to the circular economy, Green Deal priorities and new digitalised learning paths for VET. 4 needs emerge in the EU education systems:

  1. VET institutions need to adapt their educational offer, practice, and pedagogy to reflect the actual and future needs of the labour market, allowing students to be sustainable and employable. Today’s society is rapidly changing, and the World Economic Forum in 2020 estimated that 40% of people in the labour market will need reskilling and upskilling pathways
  2. Teachers need updated digital skills to ensure that AI is effective in helping students.
  3. VET institutions must build relationships with highly innovative business sectors that use sustainable business models aligned with the Circular Economy Action Plan and national and European policies, such as the EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles (adopted on 30/03/2022).
  4. VET institutions need to act proactively towards reaping the benefits of the green transition to effectively contribute to the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience by embedding environmental and social sustainability into their programmes and organisational management, thus contributing to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.



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