Work Package 01

Co-funded by the European Union

Identification of good practices on teaching suitable entrepreneurial mindset to students through active learning methodologies and AI

Work Package 01 Coordinator

Technological University Dublin (Ireland)

To create a strong community between partners in order to efficiently manage the project’s activities and to identify the research methodology and research questions.Kick-off meeting in Dublin.Establishment of the research methodology, research questions and good practices and best practices definition identification.
To analyse successful strategies and approaches about teaching sustainable entrepreneurial mindset to students (teaching methodologies, integration into the curricula, teachers’ skills, students’ active involvement).Analysis of successful strategies and approaches used to teach sustainable entrepreneurial mindset to students.Report on the Strategies and approaches about teaching sustainable entrepreneurial mindset to students; teaching methodologies, integration into the curricula, teachers’ skills and students’ active involvement.
To investigate good practices related to Active Learning Methodologies and existing collaborations between vocational training institutions and sustainable fashion and smart clothing organisations.Analysis of existing good practices related to Active Learning Methodologies, use of virtual simulation, and collaborations between VET and Smart Clothing Organisations.Report on the Good practices on Active Learning Methodologies, particularly on virtual simulation and collaborations between vocational training institutions, sustainable fashion and smart clothing organisations.
To analyse educational experiences through Artificial Intelligence and to identify Best Practices at European Level related to supporting students in acquiring soft skills.Analysis of existing best practices at European Level on the use of Artificial Intelligence for teaching soft skills to students.Report on the Best practices that are related to using Artificial Intelligence for teaching soft skills at school
To elaborate the results and conclusions that will allow to develop an Adaptive Teaching experience through virtual learning environments using Artificial Intelligence in teaching students a sustainable entrepreneurial mindset.Elaboration of the project's projection and strategy on using the Adaptive Teaching approach for teaching students’ sustainable entrepreneurial mindset through virtual simulation and AI.Report on project’s strategy on how to use an Adaptive Teaching approach through virtual learning environments and Artificial Intelligence for teaching students a sustainable entrepreneurial mindset
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